CAPRIVI National Parks 



3 meals a day from dinner day 1 to breakfast of day 13 (own lunch on day 12)

Guide & chef

All park fees

12 night’s accommodation

Tents & cutlery

Not included:

Vehicle costs for example fuel, ferry & border crossings.

Personal beverages and snacks.

Bedding & mattrasses.

Visums if required.

Nkasa Rupara National Park 2 nights

We start our journey at the Shell garage in Kongola from where it is about 90 minutes’ drive to our campsite. We settle in and enjoy the African sounds around the open fire.

The next day we spend in the Nkasa Rupara National Park, which terrain is similar to the Linyanti area of Botswana with the same animals like lions, leopard, elephants, cheetah, buffalo, wild dogs, red lechwe, reedbuck and many more. For those interested, we can late afternoon organize a combo of a game drive in a safari vehicle and a sunset cruise on the Linyantiriver(at your own cost).

There are no fences and our campsite are open to the park and the animals roaming free.

Hot showers(donkeys) and flush toilets. 

Bwabwata National Park (Horseshoe) 1 night

It is only about an hour’s drive to Mudumu National Park. This park is known for sable- and roan antelope and we will certainly look for them while doing game drives.After lunch, we refuel and carry on to our next campsite, Nambwa in Bwabwata Nat. Park. It is sand roads and a game drive to our camp on the western bank of the Kwando River, where we stay for 2 nights. 

The next day we conduct game drives searching for wild dog, dwarf-mongoose and hopefully a honey badger.

Late afternoon we drive to the famous Horseshoe-bend area where we enjoy sunset with hippos and elephants. (We take our chairs with.)

It is quite a nice experience sitting out, while the animals come down to drink.

Hot showers(donkeys) and flush toilets. 

Sioma-Ngwezi National Park 1 night

We cross back to the Eastern side of the Kwando and turn North to Zambia. We enter Zambia at a small and unknown border post where we also enter the Sioma-Ngwezi National Park. It is sand roads in the park with lots of elephants near the river.

Barotseland(western Zambia) is very underdeveloped and our basic camp for the evening is near the Kwando River.

This is an un-explored and seldom visited park.

The Kwando River is the border between Zambia and Angola.

Hot showers(donkeys) and flush toilets.