Caprivi National Park & 
Liuwa Plains



13 days /12 nights


Tented Accommodation

Next tours

18-30 November 2025


R35 750 per person (2025)

Max Amount of Persons

Min 8 & Max 16 guests



3 meals a day from dinner day 1 to breakfast of day 13 (own lunch on day 12)

Guide & chef

All park fees

12 night’s accommodation

Tents & cutlery

Not included:
Vehicle costs for example fuel, ferry & border crossings.
Personal beverages and snacks.
Bedding & mattrasses.
Visums if required.

Key destinations:

This adventure concentrates on the Zambezi Region (Caprivi) of Namibia and South-Western Zambia.

We will explore areas where most people don’t go. During the course of our travels through this wilderness, we visit 5 different national parks. In Namibia we visit Nkasa Rupara on the Linyanti River, Mudumu and Bwabwata (Horseshoe) on the Kwando River and in Zambia we visit the Sioma-Ngwezi and Liuwa Plains National Parks.

The spectacular Ngonye Falls is the 2nd highest falls in the Zambezi River and a marvel to experience. It is wild camping with 4 of the big 5 animals in the area but with our comforts like ablutions and hot showers. The birding and photo opportunities are amazing as we traverse through forests, over floodplains and grasslands and enjoy, sunrise and sunset next to the rivers.


We end on the Zambezi River near Katima Mulilo town in Namibia.


Day 1 & 2: Nkasa Rupara National Park

We start our journey at the Shell garage in Kongola from where it is about 90 minutes’ drive to our campsite. We settle in and enjoy the African sounds around the open fire.

The next day we spend in the Nkasa Rupara National Park, which terrain is similar to the Linyanti area of Botswana with the same animals like lions, leopard, elephants, cheetah, buffalo, wild dogs, red lechwe, reedbuck and many more. For those interested, we can late afternoon organize a combo of a game drive in a safari vehicle and a sunset cruise on the Linyantiriver (at your own cost).

There are no fences and our campsite are open to the park and the animals roaming free. Hot showers(donkeys) and flush toilets. 

Day 3: Bwabwata National Park (Horseshoe)

It is only about an hour’s drive to Mudumu National Park. This park is known for sable- and roan antelope and we will certainly look for them while doing game drives.

After lunch, we refuel and carry on to our next campsite, Nambwa in Bwabwata Nat. Park. It is sand roads and a game drive to our camp on the western bank of the Kwando River, where we stay for 2 nights.


The next day we conduct game drives searching for wild dog, dwarf-mongoose and hopefully a honey badger.


Late afternoon we drive to the famous Horseshoe-bend area where we enjoy sunset with hippos and elephants. (We take our chairs with.) It is quite a nice experience sitting out, while the animals come down to drink. Hot showers (donkeys) and flush toilets. 

Day 4: Sioma-Ngwezi National Park

We cross back to the Eastern side of the Kwando and turn North to Zambia. We enter Zambia at a small and unknown border post where we also enter the Sioma-Ngwezi National Park. It is sand roads in the park with lots of elephants near the river.

Barotseland (Western Zambia) is very underdeveloped and our basic camp for the evening is near the Kwando River.

This is an un-explored and seldom visited park.

The Kwando River is the border between Zambia and Angola.

Hot showers (donkeys) and flush toilets. 

Day 5 & 6: Sioma Camp

We exit the park near the town of Sioma and take the tar road to our camp on the Zambezi River with hot showers, flush toilets and a spectacular sunset.

After a leisurely wake up and breakfast we drive to the Ngonye Falls, the second highest in the Zambezi River. Here we will swim/sit in the rapids and enjoy a natural massage.

The rock pratincole’s, a summer visitor are normally present on the rock at the falls. The afternoon we relax at camp.

Day 7, 8, 9, 10: Liuwa Plains Kwalu | Katoyana

Today is our last shopping for the next 5 days. In Mongu there is a Shoprite for our needed groceries, fresh produce and ice.

We now turn West and cross the 50km wide Zambezi flood plains to Kulabo. Enroute we pass the winter residence of the Lozi king and his royal canoes, which is part of the colourful Kambuka ceremony.

At Kulabo we cross the Luwangina River on a ferry and after a few sandy kilometers we sign into the Liuwa Plains National Park.

Our camps are rustic, with cold showers but with flush toilets. You must supply your own drinking water for 5 days. We sleep at Kwale in the South for 2 nights and 2 nights further North at Katoyana camp.

For the next few days we enjoy what the park has to offer, panoramic landscapes, wildebeest in their thousands and with luck the predators like wild dogs, lions and hyena’s. 

Africa Parks is in charge of Liuwa Plains National Park and through wonderful conservation practices the park is doing well. Success stories are the wild dog, lion and hyena populations that have increased their numbers.

For the birders there are large numbers of wattle- and grey-crowned cranes and black-winged pratincoles are in flocks of 1000’s. Threatened water birds include slaty egrets and whiskered terns, which breed in Liuwa Plains. 

Day 11: Mongu

Liuwa Plains. We leave this beautiful, untouched wilderness and back-track to Kulabo and then Mongu.

We camp on the edge of town, facing west with a lovely sunset over the flood plains. We have normal 220v power and other amenities in camp. 

Day 12: Katima Mulilo

We cross the border back to Katima Mulilo (cappuccinos and ice cream) and do some shopping.

There is time to explore the town and have lunch (own cost) before we go to our camp on the Zambezi River.

Tonight, it is 220v power, hot showers, wifi and a cash bar.

For those so inclined, can try tiger fishing (own cost).

Day 13: Home

After breakfast it is not a goodbye but rather until the next tour. 

zebras on road

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