Desert Conservation and Farming

Blog categorized as Desert Conservation and Farming

Desert Keeping: conservation in the Karoo

Desert Keeping: conservation in the Karoo

By Heuningland

You might see the Karoo as a vast vista of sand and nothing much. But in fact the desert is a vibrant environment for both fauna and flora – a fascinating encapsulation of the past and an enduring future. There is so much that has survived all the perils of...
04.08.23 04:30 PM - Comment(s)
Desert Farming: The Value of the Karoo

Desert Farming: The Value of the Karoo

By Heuningland

The Karoo is a vast area in southern Africa. An arid to semi-arid region, it covers parts of the Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Northern Cape provinces. In excess of 400,000 kms, the Karoo was once, 250 million years ago, a vast inland sea. Today, under the vast...
04.08.23 04:23 PM - Comment(s)